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Couverture de Muhammad


De : Dhurgham Abdulkareem
Lu par : Ray Jericho
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    Everyone has the right to question the world around us. How is faith formed without first asking questions?

    Why did a member of the Iraqi parliament say, "The Americans and the British came to teach you manners and respect, O sons of Muhammad?"

    How my journey began. Questioning everyone and myself. Learning explaining the contradictions and consequences of many known and unknown events.

    I touch upon things that others had spoken about, but it did not see the light. Believers and unbelievers for Muslims, Christians, and Jews, this book will take you to what you do not expect. It is not with you or against you--it is here to support you, to improve your life decisions.

    Join me on this adventure as I explore some of these questions and seek to find my path.

    It is our right, dear reader, to wonder, to question. I hope I can get your attention a little bit to read this book.

    ©2023 Dhurgham Abdulkareem (P)2024 Dhurgham Abdulkareem

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