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  • Mythos the Origin of the Gods

  • De : A.A.
  • Lu par : Ray Jericho
  • Durée : 9 h et 13 min

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Mythos the Origin of the Gods

De : A.A.
Lu par : Ray Jericho
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    On planet Mythos, a utopia is endangered when the Mothergod mysteriously dies right after childbirth. One son was planned, but five were born. With the death of their wise leader, a perfect chance arises for a criminal organization to take form. This shakes the utopia to its foundation and breaks the peace they've known for billions of years. Dimago was chosen as heir to Mythos, placing Vikor, the firstborn, on a path of revenge. The five brothers live their lives cluelessly running into each other as their fates are forever intertwined. The planet's destiny rests in their hands, but a mysterious figure has other plans for Mythos, pulling their strings from the shadows.

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