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The First 90 Days

De : Omar L. Harris
Lu par : Omar L. Harris
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    The First 90 Days: Setting Yourself Up for Success in Six Steps is a must-listen book for anyone starting a new role, seeking to maximize their impact and set themselves up for long-term success. This comprehensive guide provides a clear roadmap for navigating the critical first three months of any new position, offering practical advice and strategies for making a positive impact quickly and effectively.

    In this book, you'll learn how to develop a winning mindset, create a solid plan for success, and establish clear goals and priorities. You'll discover how to build strong relationships with key stakeholders, communicate effectively, and leverage your strengths to achieve results. With a focus on self-awareness and personal growth, this book provides actionable insights for developing your leadership skills and adapting to your new environment.

    Drawing on years of experience working with executives and leaders across a range of industries, the author presents a proven six-step process for setting yourself up for success in any new role. Whether you're starting a new job, launching a new project, or seeking to take your career to the next level, The First 90 Days will help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential. This book is an essential guide for anyone seeking to thrive in a new role and make a lasting impact on their organization.

    ©2023 Omar Luqmaan-Harris (P)2023 Omar Luqmaan-Harris

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