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  • Leading Change

  • The 4 Keys: Context, Confidence, Construction, and Culture
  • De : Omar L. Harris
  • Lu par : Omar L. Harris
  • Durée : 1 h et 55 min

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Leading Change

De : Omar L. Harris
Lu par : Omar L. Harris
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    In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, the ability to navigate and lead change is not just beneficial—it's essential. This capacity becomes even more critical for those in leadership positions, who must grapple with multifaceted challenges that demand innovative solutions.

    In Leading Change: The 4 Keys—Context, Confidence, Construction, and Culture, you'll embark on an insightful journey to discover the keys to effective change management. Crafted with thoughtful precision and backed by rigorous research, this illuminating book is more than just a guide—it's a manual for reshaping the future of organizations and society at large.

    Best-selling, award-winning leadership author, consultant, and thought-leader Omar L. Harris illuminates the importance of context in change, focusing on how understanding the broader environment can guide more effective decision-making. The role of confidence is explored in-depth, illustrating how this often-underestimated trait is vital for inspiring and motivating those facing change. With practical examples, the book underscores how constructing a detailed and thorough change plan is as crucial as its implementation. Finally, the significance of culture is examined, providing listeners with the knowledge and tools to shape an adaptive and resilient organizational culture that embraces change rather than resisting it.

    Leading Change: The 4 Keys—Context, Confidence, Construction, and Culture is a transformative listen that challenges established paradigms and offers new lenses to view and manage change. Drawing from real-world case studies and the author's extensive experience, it presents a comprehensive framework for leading change that is both practical and profound.

    Whether you're a seasoned leader, an aspiring manager, or simply someone interested in understanding the mechanics of change, this book is a valuable addition to your collection. Immerse yourself in it to master the art of leading change and inspire others to do the same.

    ©2023 Omar L. Harris (P)2023 Omar L. Harris

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