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  • Be a J.E.D.I. Leader, Not a Boss

  • Leadership in the Era of Corporate Social Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
  • De : Omar L. Harris
  • Lu par : Omar L. Harris
  • Durée : 4 h et 36 min

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Couverture de Be a J.E.D.I. Leader, Not a Boss

Be a J.E.D.I. Leader, Not a Boss

De : Omar L. Harris
Lu par : Omar L. Harris
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    From the best-selling author of The Servant Leader’s Manifesto with 20+ years of global pharmaceutical executive experience comes the most crucial and compelling business book of the year.

    Business Must Be More....

    There are dark forces at work breeding separation, disunity, disengagement, and denying their role in maintaining a status quo rife with injustices and inequities that keep them in power and everyone else subjugated.

    But there is an equally and opposite force for good pushing back. Leaders who understand that business must be more by creating culture where injustices are mitigated, inequities are eradicated, diversity is highly prized, and inclusion is the norm.

    These leaders wield the principles of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (J.E.D.I.) in order to achieve the true purpose of corporations - increased value for employees, customers, communities, the environment, and shareholders.

    Listen to this book:

    If you believe business leaders should strive for more than profits, but don’t know how to get there.

    If you are a leader looking to embrace the causes of social justice, equity, diversity and inclusion, and want a proven blueprint.

    If you are joining a company and want your leaders to be aligned with cutting edge leadership.

    If you are a DEI or HR professional looking for inspiration, reinforcement, and new ideas.

    If you are a business student or professor looking for DEI insights from someone who’s led global enterprise teams.

    If you are a corporate leader who wants to learn how to go from shareholder to stakeholder capitalism using J.E.D.I. Leadership principles.

    Welcome to the Resistance!

    ©2021 Omar Luqmaan-Harris (P)2021 Omar Luqmaan-Harris

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