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Couverture de The Elysean Academy of Darkness and Secrets

The Elysean Academy of Darkness and Secrets

De : D.N. Hoxa
Lu par : Hollie Jackson, Troy Duran
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    Welcome to the Elysean Academy of Divine Light and Beauty, where darkness lurks in every corner, and secrets just might cost you your life…

    I never wanted to have anything to do with Elyseans, descendants of the Olympian gods. When I'm forced to participate in their deadly trials, I also learn that not everything is as it looks, and my past might just be very different from what I remember. So when I complete their trials, and they offer me an invitation to the Academy, I do the unthinkable and say yes.

    The plan is simple—find the man who did something outrageous to me when I was five years old, get out of the city of gods, and never look back. If only it were that simple...

    The Academy is full of wonders I hate to admit that I love. I make new friends and new enemies who haunt me in the real world and the dream realm. Most importantly, Shade is right here, just as dark and as full of secrets, disappearing for days at a time before he comes back covered in blood and grime. Despite how things ended between us last time, I can't keep him away when he's always there. Always asking me to let him help me. Always ready to pick me up when I fall.

    Eventually, I have no choice but to accept.

    With each new month at the Academy, I learn more about everything the Elyseans keep from the outside world. I always believed that they built their walls so high to show that they're better than us, but the truth appears to be much different.

    Worse yet, the reason why all of us, every student at the Academy, mortal and Elysean, are being trained to fight every day might just explain everything I've been missing—and it's the secret that's going to change my life forever.

    Intended for mature listeners.

    ©2023 D.N. Hoxa (P)2024 Podium Audio

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