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Couverture de King of Air

King of Air

De : D.N. Hoxa
Lu par : Amelia Hugh
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    Being stuck in a time loop sucks, especially when I die on the same day, at the hands of the same man, over and over again. But in Life Number Seven, I'm determined to change my fate.

    You'd think being the princess of all shifters would come with benefits and glamour and freedom—it doesn't. It comes with isolation, constant fear, and a fabric over my head the whole damn time.

    Nobody will believe me or lift a finger to help me figure out why I'm stuck in this loop, not even my father, the dragon king. If I dare to even mention it to him, I end up with a bloody lip. Yeah, he's a very hard man to talk to. That's why I have no other choice but to switch places with my maid and run away.

    But things don't exactly go as planned when I'm kidnapped and find myself a captive of my father's sworn enemy. Just my luck.

    Lucien Di Laurier is a cocky bastard who thinks I'm an object to be owned. It doesn't help that he's impossibly beautiful and can literally control the air in my lungs with a wave of his hand. He wants to get his revenge on the king, and that's why he's after the princess... never realizing that I'm right there, in his home, pretending to be my maid. He vows to break me until I tell him all of my secrets, but that still doesn't stop me.

    He'll kill me if he finds out my real name. He'll probably do worse things before that, but I can't help myself. He's everything I was never allowed to have. He's blinding light and passion and life, the perfect mistake wrapped up in a pretty ribbon, just for me.

    So I take what I can get, even knowing how it will all end... until it does.

    ©2023 D.N. Hoxa (P)2024 Podium Audio

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