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Couverture de The Coming Singularity

The Coming Singularity

De : Gary A. Freitas
Lu par : Andrew Sykes
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    As we approach 2050, it is projected that human consciousness will encounter a superior intelligence for the very first time: artificial machine intelligence. It is important for us to understand the evolutionary impact of this event, but also that we are being altered from the inside out for the singularity to arise.

    Are we ready?

    Will we be adaptive?

    How will we change?

    The Coming Singularity explores the psychological impact of the changes coming our way and the many adaptations we will have to make.

    We are transitioning to a world of one degree of separation, with only the illusion of privacy, autonomy and anonymity. All of us are undergoing a transition to an electronic identity, one that can reach back and change the real you. The question going forward will be, who is the real you?

    A cluster of psychological symptoms are evolving from our technology interface–Identity Diffusion. Its key feature is the de-realization of life.

    Direct brain-to-technology interfaces will soon render our brains an open-source forum. We need to discuss who is in there and why!

    The impact of e-technology on human identity will be profound, but it is also a prerequisite for machine intelligence to arise. We need to discuss this.

    We humans reside in complex, dynamical networks. The goal of artificial intelligence will be to evolve and stabilize these networks. And we may not be the priority.

    ©2022 Austin Macauley Publishers LLC (P)2023 Austin Macauley Publishers LLC

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