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Couverture de Message from a Star

Message from a Star

De : Michael J. Clark
Lu par : Andrew Sykes
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    Some friendships are written in the stars.

    Thirty years after their high school graduation, former best friends Joe and Chad accidentally meet again in an Orlando hotel. But there will be nothing accidental about the chain of events which lead the middle-aged pair on the run from gangsters, drug dealers, and ambitious cops.

    Deciding to celebrate their unexpected reunion, Joe and Chad share laughs and nostalgic memories over ice-cold beer, but soon the two, feeling low about their less-than-adolescent appearance, decide to visit a shop specializing in making men look 10 years younger. Receiving enthusiastic reviews from their families on their "renovated" looks, the two push the boundaries and continue drinking at a club. 

    Here begins the set-up of the harmless gents, and they fall into an ever-widening circle of disasters which ensure the men must test themselves...and their friendship

    Michael J. Clark’s novel is a clever mashup of wistful remembrances of youth and the ultimate road trip. Lurching from one catastrophe to the next, Joe and Chad find out about the limits of friendship and themselves.

    Clark’s characters are his strength. If you can go along for the ride, you’ll find this a nostalgic paean to the friendships of youth, as pleasurable to remember as a day at Disney World. (Blue Ink

    Joe and Chad are lovable… the two friends are the main show as they bumble through botched attempts to clear their names and return to normal lives." (Kirkus)

    ©2018 Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd (P)2021 Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd

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