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Couverture de I’m Not Dead…Yet

I’m Not Dead…Yet

De : Dr. Joshua Caraballo
Lu par : Andrew Sykes
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    In "I'm Not Dead...Yet: How I Turned My Misfortunes Into Strengths," Industrial-Organizational Psychologist Dr. Joshua J. Caraballo takes listeners on an unforgettable journey through the depths of his personal struggles and triumphant resilience. With poignant honesty and raw vulnerability, Joshua shares his battles with mental health, addiction, self-hate, surviving cancer, and coming to terms with his queer identity.

    This memoir is an open invitation into Joshua's life, a connection point for those facing or who have faced similar hardships, and a beacon of hope and empowerment for anyone in need of strength. Through his experiences, Joshua illustrates that despite monumental setbacks, it is possible to emerge stronger and more resilient.

    As a cisgender, gay Puerto Rican survivor, Joshua's perspective is both unique and universal. His memoir speaks to individuals seeking inspiration, understanding of the human condition, and guidance on navigating various challenges, especially those within the LGBTQ+ community.

    While there are other books covering similar topics, "I'm Not Dead...Yet" distinguishes itself as a deeply personal account that resonates on a profound level. Joshua's memoir is not just a story; it is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of embracing one's truth.

    For listeners seeking solace, inspiration, and the courage to confront their own challenges head-on, "I'm Not Dead...Yet" is a must-listen. Joshua's memoir is poised to make a meaningful contribution to the literary landscape, offering hope and healing to all who listen.

    ©2024 Joshua Caraballo (P)2024 Joshua Caraballo

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