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  • The Art of Conflict-Free Negotiations

  • 6 Steps to Winning Without Conflict. How to Analyze People and Understand Their True Intentions, Dreams and Desires
  • De : Halbert Ward
  • Lu par : Harmony Productions
  • Durée : 3 h et 20 min

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The Art of Conflict-Free Negotiations

De : Halbert Ward
Lu par : Harmony Productions
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    Say Goodbye to Deadlocks and Hello to Deals!

    Negotiate Your Way to Success, Transform Your Deals, and Propel Your Career Forward!

    Wanna know how to read the room better, be good at assessing relationships, and be an expert in resolving conflicts?

    Want to coach someone and be a mediator between two parties but are unsure of what to do or ask?

    Finding ways how to know if you're winning their side without any verbal cues?

    If any of these questions prompted a yes from you please read on...

    Whether you are dealing with workplace conflicts, brokering deals, or simply striving for mutually beneficial outcomes, the ability to negotiate effectively is a fundamental asset. Let Halbert Ward be your guru, as he presents "The Art of Conflict - Free Negotiations," a finely crafted manual that will teach you successful negotiation skills, the proper mindset of a negotiator, and how to deal with emotions. Let him be your guide on how to do negotiations with finesse and integrity, ensuring mutually beneficial outcomes and sustainable relationships in every interaction.

    Inside you'll discover:

    • Establish a solid understanding of negotiation fundamentals to guide your approach.
    • Learn to communicate persuasively and empathetically to build rapport and trust.
    • Foster a collaborative mindset to address challenges and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.
    • Discover why playing by the rules is the ultimate power move in negotiations.
    • Equip yourself with strategies to navigate tough conversations and resolve conflicts constructively.
    • Recognize and respect cultural differences to navigate cross-cultural negotiations effectively.
    • How To master the art of preparation to approach negotiations strategically and confidently.
    • And so much more!

    Don't take any chances. Start listening now!

    ©2024 Halbert Ward (P)2024 Halbert Ward

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