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  • The 5 Levels of Formality

  • How to Best Avoid Rejection, Ridicule & Resistance When Prospecting People for Your Network Marketing Business...and Why You've, so Far, Avoided Telling Your Sister about It
  • De : Paul Robinson, Danny Rich
  • Lu par : Paul Robinson
  • Durée : 3 h et 44 min

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The 5 Levels of Formality

De : Paul Robinson, Danny Rich
Lu par : Paul Robinson
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    Have you ever experienced the following?

    A new, fired-up distributor joins your business, excited about the opportunity to change their life circumstances for the better. They "get" the business, they know what they have to do to make a success of it and they can't wait to get started.

    Equally, you're excited about your new recruit. You feel that you've finally found "the one" person that is going to take the business seriously, someone you can work with, someone who is going to stick around no matter what.

    Within a few short days/weeks, they're no longer taking your phone calls or replying to your messages. You're eager to catch up with them because the customers they promised to sign up never showed on your system, and the new recruits failed to materialize. What happened? Where did it go wrong?

    In the eager and enthusiastic rush to get into action with their Network Marketing business, new distributors often fall at the first hurdle and suffer rejection, ridicule and resistance because not enough forethought is put into what they are going to say to prospects before they say it.

    In Network Marketing, we do a fantastic job of equipping distributors with skills and systems that will help them to jump the 'hurdles' that they'll encounter throughout their Network Marketing career; from writing their list to overcoming objections, closing techniques, presentation skills, coaching, leadership principles....

    Indeed, we seem to have a proven system for all of these areas of the business - and they work fantastically well, in the main!

    ©2016 Scaredy Cat Publishing (P)2017 Scaredy Cat Publishing

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