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Couverture de The Healing Home and Garden

The Healing Home and Garden

De : Paula Robinson
Lu par : Paula Robinson
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    Some early audio readers were sent a faulty audio edition consisting of only five chapters. This was corrected on 12th April, and anyone ordering now will get the corrected version. If you ordered before that date, please remove the download of the audio edition from your audio library and download it again. The updated version - the full book has nine chapters - will then appear on your device. Thank you.

    Are you tired of formulaic interiors and following trends? Do you long for a home that expresses who you truly are, that's a sanctuary from our 24/7 lifestyles dominated by technology?

    The Healing Home & Garden will help you to:
    - Take an objective look at your home
    - Examine whether it's supporting your mental and physical wellbeing
    - Identify how it may be perpetuating unhealthy habits like: working all hours, eating on the run, poor sleep and spending too much time indoors
    - Tap into your intuition to create a healing environment that will ultimately make you happier, less stressed and healthier
    - Reconnect with the restorative power of nature

    The Healing Home & Garden is for everyone - no matter your budget, whether you rent or own, live in a bedsit or a mansion. No major building works are involved, just a call to follow your own intuition and create the home that's right for you - not the style police! This book is full of budget tips for rethinking your living space, creative suggestions for re-purposing furniture and objects, and extensive product and book recommendations.

    "Paula Robinson is at the leading edge of new systems of awareness about the spaces we inhabit... a treasure trove of practical, step-by-step guidance"
    Jean Haner, author of Clear Home Clear Heart: Learn to Clear the Energy of People and Places

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Paula Robinson (P)2024 Hodder & Stoughton Limited


    'Paula's advice on creating sanctuaries within the home really resonated with me - a space where I could be myself. From uncluttering the entrance to walking barefoot at home in order to connect with the earth, this book has helped me at every step of my journey back to health. Not only therapeutic, this book is also impeccably researched and informative. Paula's advice helped me transform not just my life, but also my home, turning it from an unwelcoming box of sharp angles to a safe space where I can unwind and relax. A space I can call truly call "home".' Awais Khan, TEDx speaker and award-winning author of No Honour, Someone Like Her and In the Company of Strangers

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