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Couverture de Summer Affair

Summer Affair

De : Marina Adair
Lu par : Piper Goodeve
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    The day Jillian Conner caught her husband smearing her award-winning frosting on his mistress's cupcakes was the day she adopted her man-free diet. Including the insatiable flirt who is renting the summerhouse next door. So when her too-sexy-for-words neighbor decides to take a midnight swim—in nothing but his tanned and muscled glory—Jillian tells herself there's no harm in looking, as long as she doesn't sample. Because this single girl in the city—a local cupcake goddess, who just received an order for a seven-tier wedding cake—already has her hands full. She could use another set of ovens—but skinny dipping with the most notorious player in the NFL is a bad move.

    After a serious injury, superstar running back Clay Easton, knows the only way he can prepare for the pre-season is absolute focus. So he trades in the noisy grind of city life for the tranquility of nature and rents a house in a sleepy community on the outskirts of Portland. All he needs is a pool, a gym, and some room to breathe. One solid month of uninterrupted rehab is the only thing standing between him and the game. Except, his distraction-free plan has one snag: the sexy single mom next door who watches him from her kitchen window. Before long, Clay can't help but wonder where all that watching will lead. After all, he's never been good with sitting on the sidelines . . .

    ©2021 Marina Adair (P)2022 Tantor

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