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Couverture de Always a Bridesmaid

Always a Bridesmaid

De : Marina Adair
Lu par : Rachel L. Jacobs
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    Bridesmaid-for-hire Jane Drisdol juggles hundreds of weddings a year, not including dress fittings, engagement parties, and bridal showers, she's mastered the art of blending into the bridal landscape, but her latest gig poses a unique challenge. She is hired to play the role of Elle Vaughn—a socialite, debutant, and the bride’s childhood friend. And if there is one thing Jane has mastered it’s the ability to play a part if it means making others happy. The only problem is that Jane bumps into the bride’s sexy and infuriating brother at the airport—while not in disguise.

    Formula 1 superstar, Henry Norris has made a career out of trusting his gut while driving at a steady three-hundred kilometers per hour. From the moment Elle sets foot in the wedding festivities, Henry’s suspicions and more personal parts are piqued. He can't quite put his finger on it, but something about this beautiful and brash bridesmaid doesn't add up. She is the opposite of the kind of person his sister associates with—opinionated, smart-mouthed, stubborn and, at least with him, snooty. With everyone else, she is the perfect bridesmaid.

    As Jane weaves her way through bridal showers, wine tastings, and Formula 1 events, Henry becomes increasingly determined to uncover the truth. Yet, with every question he throws her way, the sexy socialite effortlessly spins a web of plausible explanations, leaving Henry both frustrated and intrigued and all revved up.

    Despite their initial clashes, sparks fly between Jane and Henry, igniting a chemistry that is too turbocharged to be denied. But as the wedding day draws near, Jane's web of lies threatens to unravel, and she must confront the truth before it's too late. Will they cross the finish line or is this relationship too turbulent to navigate?

    ©2024 Marina Adair (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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