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Four Dates and a Forever

De : Marina Adair
Lu par : Piper Goodeve
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    Four Dates and a Forever
    When you find that last first date . . .

    When interior architect Elsie Dodd discovers her musician husband hiding his drumstick under the backup singer’s dress, she files for divorce and moves back to her hometown of Portland, Oregon. Determined to get her life back on track and reboot her career, she enters her house into Modern Marvel Magazine’s Portland contest, where the winner will receive a coveted showcase boutique downtown. Only when she arrives home, she finds an uninvited and unwelcomed guest playing goldilocks in her shower—naked.

    After his very public divorce, guitar prodigy Rhett Easton isn’t looking for love—or even a date until a blast from his unrequited-love past crashes his pity party. Now, he’s cohabitating with the one who got away—and was married to his buddy—and finds himself being sucked back under her sexy spell. And with Elsie’s grandmother setting her up with every Tom, Dick and Harry in Portland, Rhett’s jealously flares up, and he realizes he wants a second shot at his first love. Getting her to agree to a date is hard enough, getting this commitment-shy cutie to open her heart is like an Olympic sport. There are a hundred different reasons why they are a bad idea, including that their careers are taking them in opposite directions. But the more he’s around her the less important the obstacles become, until their past comes barreling into their relationship, and he must decide between his career and a second chance at love.

    ©2022 Marina Adair (P)2022 Insatiable Press


    "Best savored like the fine wine it evokes.” —RT Book Reviews
    “Adair masterfully balances their cute developing relationship with their stressful professional and personal lives. The result is a sweet, satisfying romance.”—Publishers Weekly
    “Major sexual electricity [and] zingy humor.” ~ Library Journal

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