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Couverture de Such a Good Family

Such a Good Family

De : Caitlin Weaver
Lu par : Devon Sorvari, Kimberly Austin, Andrea Emmes, Mia Hutchinson-Shaw, Nick Mondelli, Dillon Sickels
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    An unforgettable and emotionally charged story of two mothers whose lives are changed forever by a devastating accusation—and how far they’ll go to protect those they love.

    I was so happy when my son, Knox, began dating my best friend’s daughter. Our kids grew up together and we used to joke, as we sipped wine and watched them play, that they’d get married one day. But when Knox came home late after a party, zipping his hoodie up to hide the scratches I caught a glimpse of on his collarbone, a chill went down my spine.

    That night, our whole world shattered. Now, I hardly recognize my husband as he sweeps into action, calling in a hot-shot lawyer to defend our boy.

    I love my son, but what if I don’t know him at all? It turns out everything I thought I knew about my perfect family is a lie. And I’m about to discover just what I’ll do to stop it from falling apart.

    This addictive novel will draw you deep into the heart of seemingly happy families and expose the dark secrets that lie within them. Fans of Liane Moriarty, Jodi Picoult and Celeste Ng will be utterly gripped by Such a Good Family.

    ©2024 Caitlin Weaver (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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