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Couverture de In the Blink of an Eye

In the Blink of an Eye

De : Kate Hewitt
Lu par : Stephanie Cannon
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    It only took a moment for everything to go wrong. In the blink of an eye, the birthday party became a nightmare when we heard the screams… How did this happen? And who is to blame?

    I’m so happy as I walk to pick up my son from the party. It’s his first since we moved here, and I know he’s found it hard settling in. Just as I’ve found it hard to make friends among the mothers at the school gates. But as I turn the corner, my heart stops. Instead of the picture-perfect birthday party I left earlier, there’s an ambulance.

    I start to run. My son, is all I can think. I have to find my son.

    As I race into the garden, desperately searching for my child, a fellow parent turns to me, her finger pointed. The words out of her mouth make my blood run cold.

    “Your son did this. This is your fault.”

    Surely that can’t be true? My son can be difficult, but I’d know if he was capable of hurting someone… Wouldn’t I?

    As a little girl is lifted onto a stretcher, I feel my world come crashing down. My heart cracks in two for this poor child, her devastated family. Because there’s no coming back from this. An innocent girl has been hurt. My son is being blamed. And although I don’t know what really happened, I do know that this moment will tear us all apart…

    A totally gripping and emotional novel about trust, female friendship and betrayal. Perfect for fans of Jodi Picoult, Liane Moriarty and Susan Lewis.

    ©2024 Kate Hewitt (P)2024 Bookouture, an imprint of Storyfire Ltd.

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