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Couverture de The Lucky Widow

The Lucky Widow

De : Samantha Vérant
Lu par : Laurel Lefkow
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    Wishing your husband dead isn’t a crime...

    When you return from a work trip to find your husband dead in the pond, it’s best not to call him a liar and a cheat in front of the cops. Especially when you’ve spent the last few years telling anyone who’ll listen that you sometimes fantasize about killing him. It makes you look kind of, well, guilty.

    Now I’m suspect number one for Nathaniel’s murder and the police are snooping around our perfect home. And the house is perfect because I designed it, down to the last marbled detail. You could say I designed our marriage, too. As soon as I saw Nathaniel—so handsome, successful, a surgeon—I knew I wanted him. Sadly our marriage wasn’t quite as perfect as our house. But whose is?

    The cops want to talk to our daughters, our friends, even our staff. There’s the housekeeper, the cook, the pool cleaner, the dog walker. But like me, they were all out of town when he died. They won’t have anything to say about what happened. Certainly nothing that will suggest I had something to do with it...

    A gripping and utterly compulsive story that will have you racing toward the final seconds. Fans of The Housemaid, The Perfect Marriage, and anything by Lisa Jewell will be up all night listening to The Lucky Widow.

    ©2024 Samantha Vérant (P)2024 Storm Publishing

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