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  • Stop Procrastination

  • Overcome Procrastination, Increase Productivity, Stop Self Sabotage and Get All Things Done
  • De : Bob Covey
  • Lu par : MJ Blehart
  • Durée : 3 h et 28 min

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Stop Procrastination

De : Bob Covey
Lu par : MJ Blehart
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    Is procrastination affecting your life, your family, or your relationships? Do you often struggle to get started on important projects? Is procrastination preventing you from achieving your goals and your success?

    If you want to finally stop procrastination and get things done, this is the book for you. Indeed, it will help you understand what procrastination is and what are the best strategies to stop and prevent it.

    Years of research and practical analysis of case studies have made us develop clear and specific guidelines that will provide you the effective tools to stop procrastination and eliminate the negative self-talk and excuses that distract you from achieving your goals.

    Whether you're a student, corporate executive, entrepreneur, or stay-at-home parent, the tactics described in this book can set the stage for a personal transformation and take action. Before you know it, after listening to this book, you will be jumping into action with a different mind-set and approach to your life.

    In particular, in this audiobook, you will learn:

    • What is procrastination
    • Why people procrastinate
    • How to stop procrastination
    • What is self-sabotage and the role of the negative self-talk
    • How to set your goals and achieve them
    • What are the best strategies to avoid procrastination
    • How to use your seven-day plan to stop procrastination today
    • How to identify and set your priorities
    • What is the importance of visualization
    • What are some tips to break procrastination habits
    • How to simplify your life
    • And more!

    Buy the audiobook today.

    ©2020 Bob Covey (P)2020 Bob Covey

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