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  • Dark Psychology & Manipulation for a Successful Life

  • Master NLP Secrets, the Art of Persuasion and Positive Manipulation, Detect Body Language and Mind Control Techniques, Emotional Influence, Hypnosis
  • De : Bob Covey
  • Lu par : Duane DeSalvo
  • Durée : 3 h et 6 min

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Dark Psychology & Manipulation for a Successful Life

De : Bob Covey
Lu par : Duane DeSalvo
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    Are you looking for a detailed and accurate guide on dark psychology? Then keep reading…

    Mastering dark psychology is more and more essential to achieve the level of communication that can change the balance of power in a relationship: we are talking about the kinds of communication that make people achieve their goals!

    There is nothing truly separating you from people - nothing except an understanding of dark psychology. This book covers the depths of psychology that people usually don’t want you to know and understand.

    Uncovering these secrets of psychology is the key to changing your future for good.

    Have you ever thought why some people are more successful than others even though they were not born rich, did not go to the top universities etc.. ?

    Here is the one thing all of us can do to change our lives around: learn how to interact with people in a different way.

    If you are ambitious, if you are looking for the keys that can finally unlock your secret potential, dark psychology is your only path to the success you are looking for.

    This book will give you the tools to understand manipulation, persuasion, and mind control, teaching you how to communicate with people in the most effective way possible. Despite its simplicity, it can turn everything around.

    This book covers the following topics:

    • Definition of persuasion and manipulation
    • Negative aspects of manipulation
    • NPL what it is and how to use it successfully
    • Secrets and guidelines to use NPL in everyday life and in sales
    • Positive manipulation
    • Body language
    • Techniques to detect body language and main signs to detect people’s attitude during a meeting
    • Mind control techniques and how to use them in meetings with practical examples
    • Emotional influence
    • Hypnosis

    And much more...

    Remember that mind reading, mind control, and manipulation are not bad or immoral things per se, because they will always be used no matter what we intend to do.

    However, with this book you will be able to detect these techniques, you will never be in the dark and will be able to tell when someone is taking advantage of you and most importantly, you will be able to use the techniques for yourself to move up in life.

    Do you want to learn more? Don’t wait anymore, press the "Buy New" button and get started!

    ©2020 Bob Covey (P)2020 Bob Covey

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