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  • Mental Toughness: Build a Successful Mindset, Self Discipline, Resilience and Willpower to Achieve Long Lasting Goals

  • De : Bob Covey
  • Lu par : MJ Blehart
  • Durée : 3 h et 41 min

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Mental Toughness: Build a Successful Mindset, Self Discipline, Resilience and Willpower to Achieve Long Lasting Goals

De : Bob Covey
Lu par : MJ Blehart
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    Do you feel that you’re lacking the necessary inner strength to persevere or take action? Do you have habits that you would like to change, but your lack of inner strength prevents you from doing so?

    If your answer to both questions is "yes", then this book is for you.

    Years of research and practical analysis of case studies have made us develop clear and specific guidelines that will help you build mental toughness and develop a successful mindset to achieve incredible results.

    In practice, this book will help you to develop the essential traits of mental toughness and teach you techniques to cultivate the willpower, self-discipline, confidence, and motivation that are crucial to attain success.

    This book gives a comprehensive guide on the following: 

    • Understanding key factors about metal toughness: self-confidence and resilience
    • Manage and overcome negative emotions by acknowledging them
    • The art of setting goals
    • Plan short-term goals to achieve long-term aspirations
    • Develop and establish a winner’s mind
    • Use challenges to become a better leader
    • Use creativity to move past trauma 
    • Thrive on pressure like Olympic athletes do
    • Understand the tools your mind uses to recover from setbacks
    • Applying mental toughness in different fields of life

    Are you ready to start the walk? Then, go ahead and press the "Buy Now" button and enjoy the ride!

    ©2020 Bob Covey (P)2020 Bob Covey

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