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  • Sound Therapy Healing with Tongue Drums Tuning and Changing Vibrational Field with Healing Power of Sound for Your Body, Mind and Soul

  • De : Green Leatherr
  • Lu par : Catherine Cater
  • Durée : 1 h et 16 min

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Sound Therapy Healing with Tongue Drums Tuning and Changing Vibrational Field with Healing Power of Sound for Your Body, Mind and Soul

De : Green Leatherr
Lu par : Catherine Cater
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    I want to thank you and congratulate you for listening to the book, Sound Therapy Healing with Tongue Drums Tuning and Changing Vibrational Field with Healing Power of Sound for Your Body, Mind, and Soul.

    This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to use tongue drums to harness the healing power of the sound frequencies. This beautiful instrument helps you create soothing, relaxing, and therapeutic sounds.

    The melodies and rhythms will make your body enter a relaxed state, promoting oneness with the energy of the universe and experiencing the mystical power of healing through sounds.

    It talks about the ancient practice of sound healing and how it is shaping the new health and wellness modality. The tongue drum is one of the best instruments that are easily available for anyone who wants to experience the power of sound healing.

    Learn through this book why drumming or playing tongue drums triggers an abundant release of happy hormones or endorphins, helping you get through pain and suffering.

    Sound Therapy Healing with Tongue Drums Tuning and Changing Vibrational Field with Healing Power of Sound for Your Body, Mind, and Soul is for people who want a simple yet very effective way to heal themselves. Each chapter is written to enlighten you about the power of sound healing, the tongue drums, and the musical scales.

    This book serves as your compass to complete healing. As you master the playing techniques and learn how to tune in to the healing frequencies, you are empowering yourself. You will experience the amazing effects of sound healing as it centers, grounds, and energizes your chakras.

    Are you excited to know more about tongue drums tuning and changing vibrational fields to unlock one of the doors of healing?

    ©2021 Greenleatherr (P)2021 Greenleatherr

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