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  • Healing with Light Language

  • Energy Healing and Ascension with Wisdom for Body, Soul, and Spirit
  • De : Green Leatherr
  • Lu par : Catherine Cater
  • Durée : 1 h et 6 min

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Healing with Light Language

De : Green Leatherr
Lu par : Catherine Cater
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    Have you ever really listened to the way you talk to people? Have you truly listened to the way you speak? What is it like?

    Whenever I hear my voice, I feel strange. Is that really me? Recorded voices are even weirder, like disembodied little pieces of me. My voice sounds like it is coming from afar.

    But language has never really been limited by voice. It is a medium of communication that connects you to someone else. Speech can be constrained by culture, but it can also be free to transform into something else. We have sign language, braille, and other forms that transcend different types of ability.

    However, nothing is like the light language. Light language is a means of communication that is more spiritual than intellectual. It connects you to a higher being or the universe instead of merely connecting you to another human.

    This book will help you:

    • Define and understand light language
    • Use light language to heal various types of conditions
    • Ascend in wisdom and the spirit
    • Pass on your knowledge to others who need it
    ©2021 Green Leatherr (P)2021 Green Leatherr

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