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  • Mayan Astrology

  • Cosmic Calendar Cycles for Destiny: Understanding Signs, Birth Chart, Ultimate Potential, and Soul Purpose
  • De : Green Leatherr
  • Lu par : Catherine Cater
  • Durée : 1 h et 11 min

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Mayan Astrology

De : Green Leatherr
Lu par : Catherine Cater
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    I want to thank you and congratulate you for listening to the audiobook Mayan Astrology: Cosmic Calendar Cycles for Destiny - Understanding Signs, Birth Chart, Ultimate Potential, and Soul Purpose.

    This book contains proven steps and strategies to understand Mayan astrology - its origin, influences, uses, and features. By understanding the unique cosmic combinations in your sign, you will discover your potentials and strengths. It’s like being your own astrologer and unlocking your soul's purpose.

    It will give you a glimpse of the rich culture of the Mayan civilization and their strong interest in the concept of time and cycles. The ancient Maya were the epitome of progress and excellence in astronomy, agriculture, engineering, and trade during ancient times. Even after the downfall of their civilization, their remarkable contributions remain worth knowing.

    Delve deeper into how Mayans exemplified their beliefs and spiritual traditions using the cosmic order and celestial patterns. Know why they are relevant to your daily existence.

    Is Mayan astrology more accurate than the other forms of astrology? What makes it more interesting? Do you like to chart your own readings?

    Your ultimate guide is Mayan Astrology: Cosmic Calendar Cycles for Destiny - Understanding Signs, Birth Chart, Ultimate Potential, and Soul Purpose.

    Thanks again for listening. I hope you enjoy it!

    ©2021 Green Leatherr (P)2021 Green Leatherr

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