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  • Short Stories of Murder and Death

  • The Book That Tells Secrets 1
  • De : John Smale
  • Lu par : John Smale
  • Durée : 2 h et 50 min

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Short Stories of Murder and Death

De : John Smale
Lu par : John Smale
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    I am the book that reads its listeners. I am the fly on the wall, the butler looking through the keyhole, the silent witness who is now talking. I expose the truths that were hidden. In this book, there are curious stories such as:

    • The rock star who revived his career with the scream from a woman he killed.
    • The abusive husband who was killed by a copy of this book.
    • The hitch hiker who caused the death of her murderer after she died.
    • The deaths of four interconnected lovers.
    • A priest who died after taking a girl’s confession.

    And so many more that will grab your emotions and will provoke your thoughts. They will also entertain you.

    What about you? So, did I discover anything about you, dear listener? Have a look, and see how much I know about you. It is up to you to make sense of what I am going to say, and how it is personal just to you.

    There is more about you in the other book descriptions in this series.

    • In your life, you have hit some obstacles, but you have either overcome them or they have dissolved away to nothing.
    • You have strong memories that are brought back by certain smells and tastes. You can savour those thoughts when you close your eyes and imagine the senses that are associated with them.
    • Likewise, music was a strong influence in your earlier days, and it is now. Some songs make you recall parts of your life and bring pleasure to you.
    • You have known people who are no longer part of your life and you would like to meet some of them again, but there are some you are glad to be rid of.
    • When you dream, some of them are interesting, but others seem strange and difficult to explain.
    ©2021 John Smale (P)2021 John Smale

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