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  • Short Stories of the Curious and Strange

  • The Book That Tells Secrets 3
  • De : John Smale
  • Lu par : John Smale
  • Durée : 2 h et 35 min

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Short Stories of the Curious and Strange

De : John Smale
Lu par : John Smale
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    I am the book that reads its audiences. I am the fly on the wall, the butler looking through the keyhole, the silent witness who is now talking. I expose the truths that were hidden. 

    In this book, there are curious and strange stories that bewilder such as:

    • Previous lives
    • A shocking sweat lodge journey
    • An out of body experiences
    • A less than perfect marriage
    • A ghost story about how a girl was encouraged to sleep with a man
    • A very interactive computer
    • Racial inequality

    ...Plus so many more that will grab your emotions and will provoke your thoughts.

    They will also entertain you. 

    What about you? So, did I discover anything about you, dear listener? Have a look and see how much I know about you. It is up to you to make sense of what I am going to say and how it is personal just to you. 

    There is more about you in the other book descriptions in this series.

    • As you first became aware of me, I kept on seeing a person who means a lot to you.
    • When you were younger, you had some problems. There are bits of your childhood that you would like to forget.
    • You are a thoughtful person who can see the hidden parts of the stories in this book. Some appealed to you more than others as happens in a mixture where some pieces mean more than others. The stories you liked the most touched certain areas of your life or your friends' lives. And I know one or more stories might have upset you, perhaps made you angry.
    • Although you tell the truth you are also careful about being too critical of others.
    • You have a creative drive and you have produced things in the past that you should continue with to express how you feel about certain situations and people.
    • You will be interested enough to listen to the stories in this, and the other books.
    ©2021 John Smale (P)2021 John Smale

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