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  • Moving Forward; Life Changing Short Stories and Metaphors for Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & NLP

  • Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors, Book 3
  • De : John Smale
  • Lu par : John Smale
  • Durée : 3 h et 21 min

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Moving Forward; Life Changing Short Stories and Metaphors for Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & NLP

De : John Smale
Lu par : John Smale
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    Contains stories that some listeners might find upsetting

    55 life changing short stories and metaphors for the improvement of life. Metaphors are the paints that illuminate a black and white drawing. They are mirrors of the mind. The face you look at in the mirror is never the face others see, but when we look at ourselves from a different viewpoint then we can see the changes that will make us better.

    Some of the metaphors are very dark. They tell tales of abuse and the horrible nature that some people have. However, the darkest hour is just before dawn. The darker stories offer hope to those readers who can identify with them. The outcome is about moving away from the past into a brighter future. Just because bad things have happened before, there is no need to assume that the victim is cursed with a life that repeats the hurt. 

    These stories and metaphors help the listeners to climb out of the mud that holds them back and delivers them into a place where they can be fulfilled and happy. 

    The most perfect thing about humans is our lack of perfection. When we see that the future can be better we thrive in the optimistic feeling that no matter what has befallen us there is always the opportunity for betterment rather than assuming that we have reached an end point. 

    As you listen to this book, you will find answers that enable you find insights into problems. This allows movement away from difficulties towards finding solutions and implementing them. 

    The decision to look at life from new perspectives gives the chance to earn your true value in the world and to profit from constructive change. Rather than being held back by old beliefs and attitudes, the listener moves into a new way of thinking, a new way of acting, and a new way of life.

    ©2010 John Smale (P)2020 John Smale

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