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  • Quick Home Workouts

  • 15 Minute Workout Routines to Add to Your Busy Schedule (Six-Pack Program)
  • De : Rachel Stevens
  • Lu par : Samantha Knight
  • Durée : 3 h et 13 min

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Quick Home Workouts

De : Rachel Stevens
Lu par : Samantha Knight
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    Want to burn fat quickly without spending hours at the gym? Keep reading to find out how.

    Have you ever arrived home after a long exhausting day at work and planned to go to the gym, but came up with excuses not to go? Is it the lack of time, lack of motivation, or a mixture of both? If this sounds like you most days of the week, you may be putting yourself in the 80 percent of adults that don’t get their recommended weekly amount of exercise.

    Living a sedentary lifestyle is not only detrimental to your health, but it can eventually lead to an increase in your medical bills. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, 24 billion dollars are spent annually on medical costs as a direct result of physical inactivity.

    Exercise is the most effective way of reducing pain, increasing flexibility, and overall strength. It’s also a way to become mentally stronger, with more confidence and self-esteem. Here’s the thing.

    Time is very valuable to people. Most won’t spend it on doing things they don’t enjoy or don’t make them money. When it comes to working out, the thought of having to commute to the gym, spend hours exercising, then commuting back home sounds daunting. What people don't know is they can get the same results in just 15 minutes at home.

    In this audiobook, you will discover:

    • Why these workouts can help anybody drop 5 - 12 lbs in just 21 days.
    • Top of the industry workouts for all levels of difficulty.
    • 26 abs exercises for burning body fat and getting a flat belly.
    • Workout routines men and women of all ages can start doing even if you’ve never worked out before.

    We’ll also include a free bonus rep-counter to help track your progress!

    Like Arnold Schwarzenegger says, “You can have results or excuses. Not both.”

    If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, then listen to this book and take action.

    ©2019 Rachel Stevens (P)2019 Rachel Stevens

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