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Couverture de Finding My Voice

Finding My Voice

De : Rachel Stevens
Lu par : Rachel Stevens
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    The inspirational first book from S Club legend Rachel Stevens

    Whether as part of the iconic S Club or as a successful solo artist, Rachel Stevens was in the eye of the Noughties pop storm. Catapulted to fame in her teens, the whirlwind of celebrity life began, bringing with it all the glamour, glitz and BRITS. But not everything was as it seemed behind the smile.

    Constantly stereotyped and controlled within the industry, Rachel privately struggled with her self-worth and mental health, but has since been on a journey of development and growth. Following a personal break-up and an S Club reunion – and after finding her voice and a new sense of confidence – Rachel is ready to open up for the very first time, covering everything from the impact of her childhood experiences to managing lifelong anxiety.

    Finding My Voice is Rachel’s inspiring, unfiltered story about discovering her true self in a manufactured world.

    ©2024 Rachel Stevens (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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