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Couverture de Overcoming Anxiety: Defeat an Inner Thief Killing Our Joy and Life

Overcoming Anxiety: Defeat an Inner Thief Killing Our Joy and Life

De : John Enslow
Lu par : Christopher O'Neill
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    Surrender your anxiety!
    Be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God.

    Psalms 46:10a TPT

    Anxiety touches most every person in their deepest being. It is a great equalizer and seems to be one of our most common problems. In anxiety we can be easily manipulated and controlled by the many voices looking to gain power over our lives. Whether its the media, family, or the myriads of people we encounter daily, the goal is to gain influence over our choices and lives.

    Overcoming Anxiety: Defeat an Inner Thief Killing Our Joy and Life

    Anxiety is such a heinous trap that becomes a horrid stronghold which crushes our life and joy. It places our faith in difficulty and struggle saying that life will always be too hard or impossible. This faith is a false faith and robs us of true faith in Christ.

    In this audiobook you will discover how to overcome anxiety as a controlling power, and defeat this internal thief that robs you of peace and enjoying the presence of God. We can live free of the controlling power of anxiety and overcome its effects on our lives. This is great news as we were never designed to manhandle this life on our own!

    ©2022 Divine Designed Life INC (P)2024 Divine Designed Life INC

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