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  • Easy History for Kids: The American Revolution

  • The Young Readers' Fun and Interesting Guide to Early American History (Easy History for Kids: The Collection, Book 1)
  • De : Curiosity Class Publishing
  • Lu par : Christopher O'Neill
  • Durée : 3 h et 25 min

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Easy History for Kids: The American Revolution

De : Curiosity Class Publishing
Lu par : Christopher O'Neill
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    Your little historian needs a fun and exciting adventure back in time! “Easy History for Kids: The American Revolution” gives a fascinating peek into the American Revolution—for kids and kids at heart! Are you struggling to engage your child in history lessons? Do you find it challenging to make American Revolution lessons fun and accessible? Are you looking for a comprehensive yet entertaining guide to early American history? If so, then “Easy History for Kids: The American Revolution” is your one-stop shop for engaging lessons into early American history!

    Getting kids excited about history is challenging at best. That’s why this book takes an interactive approach to transform dull history lessons into thrilling adventures back in time. So, throw away all your boring textbooks and immerse your child in captivating storytelling that brings the American Revolution to life! Through relatable examples and simplified explanations, this book makes complex historical events accessible to young listeners so they understand and enjoy learning about this crucial period in American history. And with fun activities and quizzes, children actively participate in their learning—leading to a deeper understanding and appreciation for the past.

    With this book, your kids will enjoy: Age-appropriate explanations to make complex events easy to understand, Comprehensive coverage of the American Revolution’s key moments and characters, An interactive approach that keeps kids entertained and eager to learn and encourages critical thinking. We believe history lessons shouldn’t be a source of frustration for you and your child.

    With “Easy History for Kids: The American Revolution”, your child will learn all about American Revolution heroes, battles, and events that shaped the birth of a nation. Ready to ignite your child’s curiosity and passion for history? Listen to “Easy History for Kids: The American Revolution” today!

    ©2024 Curiosity Class Publishing (P)2024 Curiosity Class Publishing

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