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  • His Will Alone

  • How to Discover and Know the Will of God with All of Its Many Benefits
  • De : John Enslow
  • Lu par : Christopher O'Neill
  • Durée : 2 h et 3 min

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His Will Alone

De : John Enslow
Lu par : Christopher O'Neill
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    In "His Will Alone: How to discover and know the Will of God with all of its many benefits, John shares his personal journey of grappling with God's Will when it doesn't align with our desires. Drawing from biblical wisdom and relatable anecdotes, this thought-provoking book offers profound insights into navigating the challenges of accepting and embracing God's Will in our lives.

    Learn the importance of trust, faith, and surrender as you lean on God's character and trust in His trustworthiness. Through the themes of faith, contentment, and the power of surrender, "His Will Alone" encourages listeners to discover the beauty and freedom that come from embracing God's Will.

    Rediscover the significance of your free will choices and their impact on your relationship with God. Explore how aligning with God's plan opens the door to true fellowship with Jesus and divine provision. Dive into the transformative power of gratitude, even in the face of adversity, and witness how it shifts your focus from your desires to God's perfect Will.

    Join the journey of surrender and contentment, recognizing that God's ways are always best. Embrace the profound fulfillment that comes from living in His Will alone and experiencing the true masterpiece of your life. This book invites you to find joy and purpose in your relationship with Jesus as you wholeheartedly seek and embrace "His Will Alone."

    ©2023 Divine Designed Life INC (P)2024 Divine Designed Life INC

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