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  • Keto for Cancer

  • Metabolic Ketogenic Diet Against Cancer Cells to Live in Health
  • De : Enric Scott
  • Lu par : Bill Franchuk
  • Durée : 4 h et 7 min

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Keto for Cancer

De : Enric Scott
Lu par : Bill Franchuk
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    Do you want to follow a simple weight loss diet starving cancer? If yes, then keep reading...

    Cancer is considered as one of the most dangerous diseases of present time. Though it can be cured in many cases, it requires a lot of patience, dedication, and money. The test for cancer and its treatment are quite costly, and many people cannot afford it.

    There are still many cases where people die out of cancer because even though they have money, it is very difficult to cure when they are in their last stage of cancer. 

    Yes. Cancer does have stages. If your cancer is diagnosed in the first stage - which means it has not spread throughout your body - you can cure it with mild chemotherapy and other therapeutic approaches. But once a person has last or advanced stage cancer, the cancer cells spread throughout his body, damaging all the organs and immune system. 

    As you know, the immune system is the defense mechanism of our body which protects us from getting attacked by diseases. Cancer cells have the ability to increase inflammation of immune system resulting in their damage.

    In this audiobook, you will discover:

    • Ways how cancer cells metabolizes in your body
    • Causes of cancer
    • Dependence of cancer cells on glucose
    • Fasting to cure many disease and to prevent cancer
    • An approach to the therapeutic potential of the ketogenic diet
    • The powerful impact which keto diet has on cancer cells’ metabolism
    • Ways to know what's on the foods you eat
    • Steps to learn and use the ketogenic diet to prevent cancer
    • Ways to cook the ketogenic meals
    • Diet based on the critical nutritional approach
    • Ways to reduce fat and eat healthy

    Therefore, the only way to achieve this is to scroll up once more and click the "buy now" button.

    ©2020 Enric Scott (P)2020 Enric Scott

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