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Couverture de Dog Training Book Bundle for Pack Leaders: Volumes 1-3

Dog Training Book Bundle for Pack Leaders: Volumes 1-3

De : Al Parr
Lu par : J. Austin Moran II, Bill Franchuk, Curtis Wright
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    Packed with everything you need to know to raise and care for your dog the pack leader’s way, this audiobook is based on the revolutionary teachings of the Mexican-American “Leader of the Pack” Cesar Millan and the Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz, also known as “The Father of Pack Leadership”, contained in the first three volumes of The Pack Leader Training Series by Al Parr:

    Volume 1: Dog Training the Pack Leader's Way

    Volume 2: Dog Tricks the Pack Leader's Way

    Volume 3: Puppy Care the Pack Leader's Way

    This three-in-one collection constitutes the best resource you’ll need for raising a happy, healthy dog, including:

    • The basic principles of pack leadership.
    • How to claim your role as your dog’s pack leader.
    • How to strengthen your bond with your dog.
    • Step-by-step instruction on basic commands.
    • Essential commands including come, sit, stay, heel, and more!
    • Using rewards to speed-up your pet’s training.
    • Cool tricks and activities you can easily teach your dog.
    • How to use Cesar Millan’s techniques of marks and no-marks.
    • How to apply dog psychology to boost your training success.
    • How to raise and train your new puppy the pack-leader´s way.
    • Preparing for house training and basics of potty training.
    • Basic lessons on leash/collar puppy training.
    • Practicing leash wаlking with your puрру.
    • Basics of head cоllаr and crate trаіnіng.
    • Solving barking, aggression, and other behavior problems.

    And more!

    Get this audiobook now, and begin to forge a stronger, more rewarding relationship with your pet starting today!

    ©2022 Al Parra (P)2022 Al Parra

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