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How to Manage Diabetes

De : Michael Hofer
Lu par : Tom Chandler
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    Living with diabetes can be challenging and requires constant attention. When you have diabetes, you cannot take a day off from managing your diet and medication. It’s a full-time job. Sounds difficult? It can sometimes be overwhelming.

    Living with diabetes is more than just taking medication or following a strict diet. It’s about your overall way of living. This audiobook introduces a holistic approach to managing diabetes by combining a low-carb diet with low-intensity workouts and mindful living. Don’t just try the diet or the workouts alone. Mindful practices like meditation are also not sufficient by themselves. It’s the combination of all three that makes the difference. Hear more about this life-changing approach in this audiobook.

    The audiobook is organized into two parts: Part one focuses on nutrition and how my holistic approach to managing diabetes works. Part two shows you how tasty a low-carb diet can be. There are recipe ideas for low-carb breakfasts, delicious salads, seafood meals, meat as the perfect addition to a low-carb diet, and guilt-free desserts.

    ©2023 Michael Hofer (P)2023 Michael Hofer

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