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Couverture de Frankie's Game

Frankie's Game

De : G.G. Diamond
Lu par : Katrina Medina
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    Moving back to her hometown wasn’t part of Frankie’s 5-year plan. Neither was bumping into her high school nemesis, King. To her surprise, he’s changed to be a better man. Is it all an act or is he sincere as he says he is? He seems to have changed for the better. But is he good enough to play her game?

    Rex “King” Dulane

    I was the man in High School. The king in fact an alpha among the jocks and who’s who. I also was also admittedly a big a--hole. I picked on kids and made their lives miserable. Who knew my past would come back to haunt me? It was just another call to replace some windows. How was I supposed to know that the appointment was for the girl I picked on the most? And who knew she’d grow up to be such a bombshell? She’ll regret betting against me. I’ll beat her at her own game...and then she’ll be mine.

    Francesca “Frankie” Sousa

    Having to move back to my hometown hasn’t been easy. I have bad memories of this place so I’m trying to make the most of it. I call to start repairs on my parent’s house, only to be surprised by King, my high school nemesis. Getting to know him over the last few weeks, I realize he’s changed. I always knew he was hot...but I never thought I could be attracted to him. It wasn’t until a drunken trivia night at a local bar that things started to heat up. He tries to double down on a bet...but he doesn’t realize that there’s no way he can win.

    Trapped is a new short story romance series that pits strong-willed curvy heroine characters against hot alphas who don't know what they're in for. Enjoy smoking hot tales of BBW instalove with hot heroes, trapped in physical, emotional, or mental dilemmas. See how each unique stand-alone short story unfolds with both passion and steam, always with a happily ever after. Follow GG Diamond for more sizzling tales like this. This audiobook is intended for listeners 18+.

    ©2021 G.G. Diamond (P)2021 G.G. Diamond
    • Série : Trapped, Volume 3
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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