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Couverture de Fugitives on the Zubalamo

Fugitives on the Zubalamo

De : John Thornton
Lu par : Katrina Medina
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    In book 2 of the Colony Ship Zubalamo series, the turmoil continues.

    As the gargantuan multi-generational colony ship plows through space, many light years away from the dead home world, Ian believes that his partner, Mabel, is still alive. Despite the official reports of her death, Ian will seek to find her.

    Yet, the strange biomes are a challenge, and the only friends he has are a strong-willed, youthful cadet who has abandoned her post, and two artificial intelligence systems. Those AIs must work covertly, and that makes all of them fugitives.

    Facing the murderous hostility of the ship’s authorities, and the dangers inherent in a biological preserve, Ian’s task of finding Mabel is daunting. Yet, he knows he must try to find her, and his inner gift allows him some confidence. But is it all misplaced or delusional?

    What will be the fate of these fugitives on the Zubalamo?

    ©2024 Automacube Enterprises (P)2024 Automacube Enterprises

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