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Couverture de Soar with Angels

Soar with Angels

De : Nathan Squiers
Lu par : Katrina Medina
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    How far would you go to live your dream…?

    Gregori Vailean is living the dream:
    A supportive-albeit-unorthodox family…
    A beautiful, brilliant, and brutal girlfriend…
    And, after graduating at the top of his class from the prestigious Stryker’s Academy, the life he’s worked his entire life for.

    A beacon; a protector;
    a warrior!

    So when he starts to catch glimpses of trouble beyond the veil of his perfect life—a mother who suffers in her sleep, a father who’s haunted by his past, and a wayward brother with a dangerous secret—Gregori knows that he has what it takes to save the day. What he doesn’t have, however, is a clue…

    Good thing he’s gotten so close to the Xander Stryker:
    Legendary warrior, world-breaker,
    And, if the rumors are true, an all-seeing vampire god.

    If anybody can help Gregori save his family, it’s Xander.
    But, as Gregori’s about to find out, sometimes the price of living the dream is finding out that it’s a nightmare.

    ©2024 Nathan Squiers (P)2024 Nathan Squiers

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