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Four Steps to a Better Life

De : Dr. Anthony DeCanto
Lu par : Roy Bullard
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    Have you ever wondered why some people live long happy lives and some people die depressed and before their time? Why can some people be perfectly healthy and die suddenly? How does the person that has been an overweight smoker for years wake up one morning and start losing weight or even stop smoking? It is because of a paradigm shift in thinking, either conscious or subconscious. With this book, Four Steps to A Better Life, you will discover the conscious way to change your destiny.

    The findings in this book are the results of 43 years of experience, in which I believe that I discovered the key for understanding personal change on a new level. By working with thousands and thousands of patients who were seeking better lives, I witnessed both failures and successes in front of my eyes. By understanding these failures and successes, l learned “WHY” some people stumbled in life while others tackled their problems and moved closer to their dreams.

    So, if you’re ready for change, ready to move on in your life, lose weight, get in shape, tackle family, work issues, or relationships, become healthier, and improve other aspects of your life, then listen to this book. In Four Steps to A Better Life, you will find out the truth, not only why your thoughts, both conscious and unconscious, control your physical body, but also how your thoughts control your destiny.

    Are you ready to challenge yourself? To discover where your subconscious is blocking you from being all you can be? You can make any decision in the world with one major drawback, you cannot change the results of a poor decision until you understand how it went wrong.

    Therefore, learn how to make the right decisions, by connecting to your true belief system, not what you were taught as a child, and make your dreams your reality.

    ©2023 Dr. Anthony DeCanto (P)2023 Dr. Anthony DeCanto

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