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  • The Price Whisperer

  • A Holistic Approach to Pricing Power
  • De : Per Sjofors
  • Lu par : Roy Bullard
  • Durée : 7 h et 34 min

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The Price Whisperer

De : Per Sjofors
Lu par : Roy Bullard
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    Consumer behavior is irrational – people are finnicky, temperamental, and subjective. But they’re also highly predictable. Thus, when it comes to determining optimal product pricing, there’s one thing to keep in mind: the perception of value is value.

    In his latest work, The Price Whisperer, Per Sjöfors explores the complex network of variables that regulate customer perception of price and value, that is, why people buy one product and not another. By isolating key factors that determine a target market’s willingness to pay, businesses can effectively hack their existing model, thereby increasing asking price and sales volume. It’s not black magic, it’s human psychology.

    Start listening now to:

    • Understand the unique internal and external factors that control consumer purchase behavior in your industry
    • Learn how to increase pricing without sacrificing sales volume
    • Discover how to identify the “right” customer for your products and save your marketing dollars for an audience primed for your business
    • Learn why pricing does not exist in a vacuum and how the “set and forget” approach is a recipe for failure
    • Discover why lowering prices and offering frequent discounts seldomly translates into greater purchasing volume
    • Understand how price, in and of itself, sets an expectation of quality and benefit or lack thereof
    • Learn how to hack your existing model structure by approaching consumer behavior as a psychologist, not an entrepreneur

    You might have the right product, the right marketing strategy and the right branding…but if your pricing is off, your business will suffer.

    Find your audience, tailor your message and value your product correctly!

    ©2022, 2023, 2024 Per Sjofors (P)2024 Per Sjofors

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