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  • Don't Be Afraid of the Spark

  • A Return to Magic Cozy Mystery, Book 6
  • De : Lily Harper Hart
  • Lu par : Angel Clark
  • Durée : 7 h et 41 min

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Couverture de Don't Be Afraid of the Spark

Don't Be Afraid of the Spark

De : Lily Harper Hart
Lu par : Angel Clark
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    What happens when Michigan’s most famous ghost hunter can’t see a ghost, but her daughter can? Harper Harlow-Monroe is about to find out. When her daughter Poe starts talking about a new ghostly friend nobody else can see, one who brags about hiding from Harper, Whisper Cove’s favorite paranormal investigator is on the case.

    Unfortunately, the new ghost comes along with a fresh body…and nobody can figure out why—or how—a woman who died years before is going after people in the present.

    Poe is confused. She likes her new friend, and doesn’t want to listen to her mother. There’s just one little problem. The dead woman is holding a grudge against Poe’s grandmother, and she’s ready to add another name to her body count. Now, things are getting personal.

    Harper has friends and they want to help, but this is the sort of war that only Harper can fight. Poe’s life is on the line, and there’s nothing Harper won’t do to protect her…including sacrificing herself.

    Strap in, because it’s about to get wild in Whisper Cove.

    The past is threatening to ruin the future, and Harper and company will do whatever it takes to make sure that doesn’t happen. They just have to survive to win the day.

    ©2024 Lily Harper Hart (P)2024 Lily Harper Hart

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