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  • All Witches on Deck

  • A Moonstone Bay Cozy Mystery, Book 14
  • De : Amanda M. Lee
  • Lu par : Angel Clark
  • Durée : 9 h et 51 min

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All Witches on Deck

De : Amanda M. Lee
Lu par : Angel Clark
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    Hadley Hunter never saw herself as mayor of Moonstone Bay. Now she has the job, and it seems to be a whole lot of squabbling neighbors and missing foul-mouthed birds instead of the action and adventure she was expecting. All of that changes when a local worker for one of the hotels calls in to report seeing a child wandering in the road in the middle of nowhere. Both the woman and child are missing when units go looking.

    Sheriff Galen Blackwood cant find a record of a missing child. He can't find a path to follow for the missing woman. All he can find is a spit of desert in the middle of the island and no way across.

    Moonstone Bay has a lot of secrets. When Hadley starts digging on this one, she's confused. How is it that nobody has any information on this specific bit of land? Why has nobody ever bothered to ask? Why is it that everybody just accepts the land can't be crossed?

    Hadley smells a conspiracy, and she may be right. The problem is, there's nobody around to confirm or deny anything she believes.

    That, of course, means her mind is running wild. She's going to take all of her friends along for the ride, too, whether they want to be dragged into this mess or not.

    Some secrets are kept for a reason. When this one blows up, they all might regret it if they live that long that is.

    ©2024 Amanda M. Lee (P)2024 Amanda M. Lee

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