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Couverture de Witches Get Stitches

Witches Get Stitches

De : Lily Harper Hart
Lu par : Angel Clark
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    Hali Waverly is in a holding pattern following hip surgery. She’s getting better, but she still has to be careful…especially living so close to the beach. Still, she thinks it’s safe enough to go out for dinner with her boyfriend Gray Hunter…right up until they’re swarmed by escaped prisoners.
    Hali thinks everything is okay until one of the prisoners uses magic on Gray and forces him to attack Hali. She manages to snap him out of it, but Gray no longer trusts himself and Hali is left with a doubting boyfriend as well as a lot of unanswered questions.
    Even though most of the prisoners are recovered right away, a few manage to evade capture, including the witch who hexed Gray. Things get worse when the witch approaches Hali with a deal: Help her prove her innocence and she won’t go after Gray again. Otherwise…Gray is going to be her target, and she isn’t shy about what she’s going to do to him.
    Hali and Gray have to work together to make sure he’s not taken advantage of. With Hali not at a hundred percent, though, that’s easier said than done.
    Not all witches are created equal. Hali is powerful, but what happens when she comes up against a type of magic she doesn’t know how to defeat? She’s determined to protect Gray at all costs, even if she has to put herself on the line to do it.

    ©2024 Lily Harper Hart (P)2024 Lily Harper Hart

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