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  • Dementia Survival Guide for Caregivers

  • Unleash the Power of Compassionate Caregiving to Create Harmony, Understanding, and a Stronger Bond with Your Loved One
  • De : Oliver Montclair
  • Lu par : Torin Andrus
  • Durée : 3 h et 19 min

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Dementia Survival Guide for Caregivers

De : Oliver Montclair
Lu par : Torin Andrus
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    Feeling overwhelmed and underprepared? Discover relief and renewed hope with this guide to simpler and more rewarding dementia caregiving...

    Caring for someone with dementia can feel like an entire year packed into just 24 hours. The person you once knew vibrant, loving, and full of life is now lost in the haze of this condition. It's the most bitter and heartbreaking paradox. They're right in front of you, and yet they feel a world away.

    Take heart. You don't have to navigate this difficult journey alone. With the right tools, guidance, and support, you can shift from despair to hope.

    Inside, discover compassionate advice, helpful tips, and strategies to make your caregiving journey easier, more rewarding, and less lonely.

    Here's a fraction of what you'll find:

    • The C.A.R.E.+ Model, an exclusive approach making dementia care a journey of love
    • A breakdown of challenging behaviors and constructive ways to navigate them
    • Self-care activities for caregivers, even with just 10 minutes to spare
    • Simple strategies to transform your home into a sanctuary promoting independence, safety, and dignity
    • Communication techniques cutting through the fog of language and memory loss

    Amidst all the changes dementia brings, one thing it can't touch is the unwavering love you have for your loved one.

    Take the first step towards an easier, more fulfilling caregiving experience: Click Add to Cart now.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Michael Messina (P)2023 Michael Messina

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