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  • Break Through Your Fears

  • Put an End to Procrastination and Achieve Your Goals.
  • De : Audrey Viveiros
  • Lu par : Torin Andrus
  • Durée : 4 h et 12 min

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Break Through Your Fears

De : Audrey Viveiros
Lu par : Torin Andrus
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    Do you ever find yourself getting in your own way, preventing yourself from achieving your dreams? Perhaps you have aspirations that you’re yet to get around to, or goals that you seem to put off going after. Or maybe you used to be a very productive and motivated person, but recently you’ve found yourself becoming more and more lethargic, procrastinating at any opportunity. Whatever the case, you need the right support and guidance to overcome these traits and chase down your dreams.

    Introducing Break Through Your Fears, a must-listen guide for anyone who wants to put an end to procrastination once and for all and finally achieve their goals. By addressing what’s currently holding you back, you can at last start to overcome these obstacles and make proper progress toward the life you wish you had. This book is packed with tips on how to identify your current blockers and move past them—for good.

    Inside Break Through Your Fears, discover:

    How to identify which fears are getting in your way.

    The importance of journaling for personal mastery.

    Ways to map out a detailed life vision you can then chase down.

    How holistic living can impact your mental and physical health.

    Steps to building the perfect environment to achieve your goals.

    It’s time to stop procrastinating and start acting on your goals.

    ©2024 Audrey Viveiros (P)2024 Audrey Viveiros

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