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Couverture de Affirmations to Heal from Trauma

Affirmations to Heal from Trauma

De : Boris Mullayev
Lu par : Joanne Rohrs Patterson
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    Dive into "Affirmations to Heal from Trauma" and embark on a transformative journey towards healing and self-discovery. Written by Boris Mullayev, this book offers a compassionate guide to nurturing your mental and emotional well-being after experiencing trauma. With a unique blend of wisdom and warmth, Mullayev introduces affirmations as powerful tools to mend the mind and spirit.

    Each chapter is thoughtfully designed to address different facets of healing, providing listeners with practical affirmations that can be integrated into daily life. Whether you're dealing with anxiety, distrust, or the echoes of past pains, there’s something in this book that speaks directly to your struggles.

    Mullayev's approach is not just about coping—it's about thriving. His insights help you shift your mindset from one of survival to one of growth, empowering you to reclaim your inner strength and peace. The book is filled with encouraging stories, easy-to-follow exercises, and affirmations that you can use to build a healthier, more resilient version of yourself.

    Perfect for anyone on the path to recovery, "Affirmations to Heal from Trauma" is more than a book—it's a friend and a healer. It's time to start a new chapter of joy and resilience.

    ©2024 Boris Mullayev (P)2024 Boris Mullayev

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