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Affirmations for Success

De : Boris Mullayev
Lu par : claire cunningham
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    Boris Mullayev's book "Affirmations for Success" is a helpful and inspiring manual that teaches listeners how to use positive thinking to reach their objectives, both personally and professionally. In this enlightening book, Mullayev delves into the psychological foundations of success and presents a set of potent affirmations designed to alter thought processes, increase self-assurance, and cultivate a tenacious mindset toward achieving lofty goals.

    The book is divided into chapters that address several facets of life, including self-esteem, relationships with others, job growth, and mental wellness. Mullayev gives readers helpful guidance on how to incorporate affirmations into daily activities in an efficient manner, making the practice meaningful and approachable. Inspiring tales and proof from cognitive behavioral science are used in this book to help listeners understand how affirmations affect the subconscious.

    "Affirmations for Success" is a smart combination of motivating discourse, practical procedures, and real-world applications that can help turn good ideas into tangible accomplishments. It is perfect for both seasoned practitioners seeking deeper understanding and those new to the concept of affirmations.

    ©2024 Boris Mullayev (P)2024 Boris Mullayev

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