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  • Personal Finance for Teens and Young Adults

  • The Essential Life Skills of Making Money, Budgeting, Saving, and Investing to Build Wealth and Reach Your Dreams
  • De : J.H. MoneyTalks CPA
  • Lu par : Joanne Rohrs Patterson
  • Durée : 3 h et 28 min

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Personal Finance for Teens and Young Adults

De : J.H. MoneyTalks CPA
Lu par : Joanne Rohrs Patterson
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    Welcome to a space where your financial superpowers come to life—you're right where you need to be to unleash them!

    Do the adults around you seem stressed about finances?

    It's a common issue, as revealed by a survey where over half of American adults admit their financial worries impact mental health.

    With adulthood on the horizon, this might be unsettling for most young individuals.

    But here's the silver lining—you can master money management much earlier than your parents did and enter adulthood with a superior understanding of money matters, gaining the skills to ensure you always stay afloat.

    Your case will be different because you're determined to do better, and you can!

    What’s the best part? You don't need to head back to school; all you need is a guide tailored to your unique financial literacy needs.

    This book bridges that gap, providing the knowledge to navigate everything related to money, from spending wisely and creating a budget to making savvy investments for your future.

    In this guide, you will discover:

    Money habits that set you on the course to financial security without requiring you to compromise on your favorite indulgences

    Alternatives to student loans that won't lead you into debt while still covering all your education expenses

    The perks of owning a business and supplementary income streams, including financial security even in the event you lose your day job

    The secrets to paying off your debts at an accelerated rate and enjoying a debt-free life

    Strategies to create a budget and stick to it, ensuring your finances stay on track every month

    Insights on slashing insurance premiums—discover the tactics utilized by fellow young adults to secure affordable insurance premiums that offer excellent coverage

    Banking basics and why there's more than simply walking into the nearest bank and signing up for the first option they present you

    ©2024 J.H MoneyTalks LLC (P)2024 J.H MoneyTalks LLC

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