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101 Super Facts & More About Rats

De : Robert Griffin
Lu par : Beth Smith
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    * Have you ever heard of a "Rat King"? And did you know one such Rat King found was made out of 38 rats!?!

    * There are three kinds of rat species which commonly invade our homes. Which type do you have?

    * Did you know there are such things as "zombie rats"? What are they and how do they occur?

    Rats—some people consider them as pests, while others consider them as pets. No matter on which side you are on, this book: 101 SUPER FACTS & MORE ABOUT RATS is bound to enrich your life with fascinating facts about these furry mammals. Impress your family and friends with amazing trivia about rats in the realms of Science, History, Literature, Music, Culture and more. Rat hobbyists, people contemplating on buying a pet rat, animal lovers, and everyone curious about rats will have something to gain from this book.

    Whether we like it or not, rats are our constant companions, and learning more about them allows us to understand them more. This book would also be a perfect gift of a parent to child who has a pet rat or is thinking of getting one. It will give your child a deeper understanding of the animals they adore.

    For those with rats in their house, this book will give you a deeper understanding into the lives of our furry little neighbors and guests in our homes. This will let you appreciate them more, or perhaps more effectively plot a plan of revenge against them! For the casual listener of non-fiction, there are many opportunities to apply what you learn in this book because rats are a fact of life, and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future.

    Invest in knowledge and understanding.

    ©2017 DVX Publishing House (P)2024 DVX Publishing House
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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